
Ďalšie neuveriteľné momenty zachytené na fotografiách

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Sorry Class, My Dog Ate Everyone's Homework

On The Boat With My Family And I Was Sitting On The Edge To Get A Good Photo Of The Water And Me And Two Dolphins And It's Calf Jumped Out Of The Water And This Image Was Caught At The Perfect Time

When I Was A Young Comedian, Robin Williams Stopped In To Do A Surprise Set On A Show I Was Hosting. Talked To Him For 20 Minutes After The Show. Then I Handed My Friend A Camera (Not A Phone, That's How Long Ago It Was) And Asked Robin For A Picture. He Gave Me A Huge Bear Hug And Said "How About Now?" What A Sweet Guy

Hadn't Seen My Bff In A Couple Of Years. After An 8 Hour Drive, I Got Out Of The Car As She Walked Out Of The House. In The Same Damn Shirt

My Buddy Went To A Wedding Last Weekend And This Swan Wouldn't Stop Staring At Him Through The Door

So This Happened In Northern Wisconsin

My Girlfriend Happened To Catch All 3 Stages In A Ladybugs Life Cycle On A Single Leaf

Heard Something Going On In The Kitchen Then Heard Screams Of Bloody Murder. Walked In And Saw This. A Goat Stuck In My Trash Can

Môj autobusár vyzerá ako herec z Breaking Bad…

My Bus Driver Looks Almost Exactly Like Walter White From Breaking Bad

Buddy Of Mine Calls Me To Tell Me He Just Rolled His Jeep Through A Telephone Pole. I Said Pics Or It Didn't Happen. He Sent Me This

Mom Told Me The Rooster Was After Her Today. Had To Check Security Camera To Verify

An Owl Flew Into My Car Once, In Las Vegas, While The Car Was Moving With The Windows Open. I Spent A Solid 3 Hours Figuring Out How To Get This Out Of My Car

Tri rozdielne farby veveričiek v mojej záhrade

I Had 3 Different Colored Squirrels In My Yard

After Eight Hours Of Balancing Stones On The Beaches Of Lake Superior Yesterday, I Was Exhausted. Then I Saw This Big White Rock, Got Re-Inspired, And Created One More Piece, The Favorite Of The Day

Chuck Norris Pinned By My Dad

Went To An Ax Throwing Booth At A Regional Highland Games And Threw An Ax Into Another Ax That Was Already On The Target

My Friend Texted Me Saying She Was Watching A Squirrel Eat A Pizza In A Tree. I Said, "Pics Or It Didn't Happen." She Replied With This

Saw This Caterpillar At Work Today That Has Little Penguins On Its Back

Proposed To My Girlfriend And Realized There Is A Heart In Our Shadows



Zdroj: boredpanda / topdesat



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