
Belgický umelec geniálne využíva tiene na oživenie predmetov


videní: 4.0K

17. Hruška verzus slon

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

18. Niekedy stačí náhodný dopad svetla, aby vzniklo umelecké dielo

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

19. Hra svetla a tieňa

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

20. Účesy

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

21. Kto má chuť si zaplávať?

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

22. Žena v domácnosti

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

23. Nočnou cestou

A Belgian Artist Uses Shadows to Bring Objects to Life With Strokes of Genius

24. Titanic


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