
Hra tieňov: Zvláštne umenie, ktoré si rýchlo obľúbiš

hra tieňov

videní: 1.9K

Hra tieňov. Aj takto by sme mohli nazvať dnešný príspevok, v ktorom nájdeš niekoľko fotografií tohto zvláštneho umenie.

Hra tieňov ťa však takmer ihneď chytí za srdce. Tieto diela majú v sebe totižto veľmi mystickú atmosféru, pretože je veľmi ťažké si predstaviť, že hromada odpadkov dokáže vytvoriť nádhernú panorámu mesta. Ich vytvorenie autorom zaberá množstvo času, no výsledky sú nádherné. Ak neveríš, tak si pozri nasledujúce fotografie. Určite ťa dokážu zaujať a veľmi rýchlo si tento zvláštny druh umenia obľúbiš.

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

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By #dietwiegman @awesome.arts #michaeljackson

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20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

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The Undesirables 2000 Trash, electric fan, 3 light projectors and coloured gels, smoke machine Dimensions variable We gate crashed the 2000 Glastonbury Festival, those were the days when if enough people got together en mass, you could tear down the walls and walk in for free. It was the final evening, the Sunday night when David Bowie was due to headline. We were high on adrenaline after driving the five hours it took non stop from London, sleeping in our van without a ticket on the off chance that we would get in for nothing. By the time we had made our way to the top field of cows, the sun was setting and we were high enough on top of the hill to get the perfect view as Bowie walked on stage. When we arrived back home we were invited to take part in the blockbuster exhibition at The Royal Academy of Arts, ‘Apocalypse’ … The image of us sitting atop that hill at Glastonbury, reminded us of the Atomic Bomb warnings ‘Protect and Survive’ that if a nuclear bomb went off you had three minutes to hide under a table for protection from the blast, a great alternative was just sit there and kiss your ass good bye! We were going to build our very own romantic view of the end of the world. The core of the sculpture was to make a gigantic pile of refuse sacks, in reference to ‘The Winter of Discontent’ where mountains of rat infested bin bags were piled high in the streets and alley ways caused by wide spread strikes across Great Britain in the 1970’s. We carefully sculpted two figures from trash that appeared to be sitting atop the pile, one smoking a cigarette. The grasses blowing in the wind were constructed from a feather duster with string adorned over it that swayed slightly by the breeze from an old electric fan thrown onto the pile so the feather duster looked a little like a pampas grass swaying in the wind. #timnobleandsuewebster @myblackbaby @timnobleart @blainsouthern #shadowsculpture #sculpture #art @royalacademyarts

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20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

20 Times Light and Shadows Took Art to Another Level

Zdroj: brightside | topdesat


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